Maria Mendizabal RD

Hi! My name is Maria. I’m a Registered Dietitian, Breathwork Coach and Holistic Nutritionist who is passionate about helping individuals transform their health. My counseling is centered on a balanced approach to nutrition helping achieve sustainable dietary and lifestyle changes. My mission is to provide practical education and support to help my clients achieve a healthier state of being. I support individuals on their healing journey using a combination of nutritional therapy mindfullness and breathwork. It’s my mission to create a supportive environment for healing while helping you feel empowered, engaged, and joyful about your health. Nutrition is the foundation to creating health and balance and feeling alive inside your own body. Understanding your own individual needs and imbalances is the key to creating a radical shift in your overall health and wellbeing. While nutrition is truly the foundation for healing the physical body, wellness is more dynamic than what happens in our kitchens. I weave breathwork and mindfulness into our work together, which informs us of other areas in your life that also need nourishment and healing.


Beyond the kitchen, Maria recognizes that true wellness encompasses the mind and spirit. She focuses on integrating mindfulness and breathwork into her practice, illuminating areas in life that also require nourishment and healing. With Maria, you're not just addressing physical health; you're embarking on a holistic journey to empower, engage, and find joy in your health and life.


Maria has a unique approach that marries nutrition with body movement and physical wellness. She understands that true health involves the body in its entirety. Her goal is not just to fuel the body but to help overcome their personal body struggles and foster a harmonious relationship with both body and mind. Maria seeks to bridge the gap between body care and healing, guiding individuals on a transformative journey that encompasses every aspect of their being.


Maria would metaphorically walk across hot coals to empower individuals on their transformative journeys towards holistic well-being. Her burning passion is to guide people to achieve not just better health but also a profound sense of self-empowerment and a balanced life. She firmly believes that the key to a healthy diet is not restriction, but education and that by finding this balance and creating sustainable habits, individuals can achieve a life filled with vitality, resilience, and enduring health.

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