Marisa Panwar

Chief Program Officer


Dr. Marisa Panwar is a dedicated professional with an impressive background in the field of organic chemistry in Australia, spanning over a decade. However, it was her move to the USA and the subsequent precious ten years of raising three children that brought about a profound realization in her life.

As a woman, she carried the weight of worries about her body, constantly concerned about her weight and appearance. The quest for a certain body image seemed to consume her thoughts, influencing every aspect of her life, including her relationship with food and exercise.

In 2017, Dr. Panwar faced a challenging time when she was pregnant with her third child, and her mother unexpectedly passed away from cancer. This heartbreaking event served as a poignant reminder that true health transcends mere absence of disease—it encompasses physical, mental, and emotional well-being.


During this transformative period, Dr. Panwar came to understand that good health is the cornerstone of everything else in life. Without it, all other aspects take a backseat. This profound realization empowered her to embrace the calling within her and embark on a journey of self-improvement and growth. She passionately pursued various programs, courses, and read inspiring books that fueled her desire to make a bigger impact.


Amidst her personal growth, Dr. Panwar discovered her path aligned with the vision of Ziva, a platform driven by the purpose of making a positive difference in people's lives. Driven by a deeper sense of purpose, she found herself becoming part of Ziva, wholeheartedly committed to empowering others in their pursuit of holistic well-being.


Recognizing that her own health and vitality were paramount for providing the best care for her children and being fully present in their lives, she understood the importance of embodying the principles she advocated for. Her journey, fueled by self-discovery and a desire to contribute to a greater cause, transformed her into the incredible woman she was destined to be. Through her work with Ziva, she embraced her role as an inspiring advocate for holistic health, spreading the message of well-being and personal growth to empower others in their own transformative journeys.


The essence of health lies in the profound connection between the body, mind, and spirit. Marisa's inspiring journey towards holistic well-being serves as a testament to her unwavering commitment to nurturing this interwoven harmony. Through dedicated self-care and a profound quest for self-discovery, Marisa has embarked on a transformative path that nourishes her entire being.
Each morning, Marisa engages in a powerful ritual that sets the tone for her day. She begins by embracing the practice of breathwork, allowing her to connect deeply with her breath, find a sense of grounding, and center herself. This intentional moment of mindfulness empowers her to start her day with a sense of clarity and inner peace.

Following her breathwork, Marisa embarks on a fulfilling run, embracing the invigorating embrace of nature. The rhythmic beat of her footsteps becomes a meditative dance, synchronizing her body, mind, and spirit. Next, she fearlessly takes on the challenge of weight training, cultivating strength, both inside and out.

To add an invigorating touch to her morning routine, Marisa embraces the refreshing power of cold showers. The cool water cascading over her body awakens her senses and infuses her with a surge of renewed energy. It becomes a symbolic act of embracing life's challenges head-on, fearlessly and with determination.

In each step of her morning ritual, Marisa exemplifies the profound connection between her physical and mental well-being. Her practice of self-care empowers her to face the day with vitality and purpose, ready to embrace life's opportunities and challenges with a strong and centered presence.
Through this intentional morning routine, Marisa reaffirms her commitment to holistic well-being. She recognizes that caring for her body, mind, and spirit is the foundation for living a life of fulfillment, joy, and resilience. Marisa's journey serves as an inspiration for others to embrace the profound connection between physical and mental well-being, fostering a life of balance, vitality, and wholehearted living.


Marisa's heart is brimming with a passionate desire to empower individuals to live their best lives. Witnessing the transformative impact of promoting healthy habits and fostering well-being resonates with her at the core of her being.

Every step taken towards improved health, every milestone achieved, and every moment of growth is met with genuine compassion and celebration. Dr. Panwar finds profound joy in guiding others on their unique journey towards optimal health, wholeheartedly supporting them through challenges, and rejoicing in their triumphs.

In the world of wellness, Marisa deeply understands that each person's path is distinctive, and she meets them with unwavering empathy and understanding. She listens intently to their stories, offering a compassionate presence as she holds their hands through the struggles, and steadfastly standing beside them as they make positive changes in their lives. For Marisa, every success story, no matter how big or small, warms her heart profoundly. Each one signifies the remarkable transformation and growth of an individual.

In her pursuit of empowering others, Marisa embraces the beauty of human resilience and the power of incremental progress. She recognizes that true well-being is not just about achieving grand milestones but also about embracing the journey with kindness and self-compassion. For Marisa, witnessing others thrive and embrace healthier, happier lives is the ultimate reward and the driving force behind her heartfelt commitment to the well-being of others.


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